Prakash Chettri and his father receiving certificate 

Today is an auspicious day for the family of Gomtu HSS as we have Honorable Dasho Dzongdag visiting our school mainly to offer Tashi Khadar and congratulate 5 students who are the recepiants of His Majesty The Great 5th Kings's Certificate of Excellency in academic field. Its an extremely joyous
moment for us all to have our students receive such an extravagant certificate with HM's signature.
While the family of GHSS gathered in the hall, teachers and students are taken further into Bhutanese values and principles, and concerns by honorable Dasho's words. To highlight some,
"The youth in Bhutan are important, and teachers are the ones to mould them into a better and responsible citizens.
So to mould the youth into a responsible human beings, and not to forget the importance of the youth, pay revision for teachers are then endorsed, so that teacher invest even more to build a stronger nation in the future.
50 percent of students in Gomtu come from business background therefore, these children might have been equipped with alot of business idea. Hence it would be a rare school in Bhutan having alot of students having business idea.
Therefore may be teachers here need to do something about it.
I am happy that many students are coming from business community, but at the same time, I am also worried about the kind of business your parents do in such a cross boarder.
If you are born and brought up in a community that does a black business, you will be brought up with that mind set thinking its normal.
So tomorrow when you grow up, you will be the one doing it."
Dasho appreciated the skills inherited in the children from their community, however Dasho also stressed these vulnerable concerns.
Looking at the certificate recepiants, Dasho acknowledged them,
"These students are new to me, I dont know any of them, however I can tell their characteristics for acceptional performance in academy.
These students would be:
*Attentive in the class.
*Eat meals on time and sleep on time.
*They are good students
*They are positive
*They respect their parents and teachers and
*They are good in other areas as well."
These attribute in them made them successful in their studies, if others also habituate on these characteristics, you could do better as well.
Its a serious concerns for the Dzongkhag and schools within the Dzongkhag to see Samtse Dzongkhag being ranked top, from the bottom, and hence Dasho shared his concerns and urged the teachers to relook into the culture we have in our school.
"In 2018 National Academic result, Samtse Dzongkhag is ranked last.
So I urge principal and teachers to relook into the plans, strengths, flaws and weakness in the academic culture and do necessary follow ups."
Further, Dasho put smiles on children's faces with ample inspirations.
"Be happy coming to schools, be happy with alot of friends, be happy with teachers, be happy with examination.
Not everything that you see around are good.Some are good and some are bad. You need to be happy always and work even harder."
Before Dasho took a sigh, a serious issue in Gomtu, infact across the boarders in Bhutan, had been adressed to the children and left everyone with a bigger question to ask ourselves before we go any further.
"You all are young to talk about marriages, but I am concerned. No one can stop you from getting married to someone.
We have alot of children from cross boarder marriages. You must know the people with whom you are going to marry as the marriage with cross boarder would result in problems later. So if you are going to have cross boarder marriages, you also need to be prepared to face its consequences. Your children will be in problems due to your deeds."
School feels very proud today to have the presence of Honorable Dasho Dzongdag, CDEO and Procure man of Samtse Dzongkhag to grace this joyous day.
School also would like to congratulate all these 5 children for your hardwork and dedication in making our school proud. Not to forget the other students too, its not that other students cannot do excellent in academic too, it will be determined by the extra miles you walk, sweats that drop from your face and some sleepless night you spent while undergoing your journey to success.
"Given a chance to a frog, it sings a beautiful song" so all the students are bestowed with opportunity to do your part, you have the school, teachers and all the other facilities, now all you have to do is "Work hard and never Give up".
written and brought to you by:
Dawa Karsel Norbu